FANTECH - manufacturer of industrial fans

Axial fans manufactured by Fantech are very widely used in many industries. They are used wherever forced ventilation (supplied or exhausted air) is needed, and also for the transport of hot, cold or contaminated air, as well for air circulation. The specific design of the fans, with use of high-quality raw materials and modern technologies allows them to be adapted to the requirements and needs of each client.  

They have the properly selected for each case: material, housing profile, impeller with matched hub and blade profile, and engine design. It allows adjust the fans to the environment and working parameters (for example temperature, humidity, air pollution) also taking into account the  metod and place of their installation.

All our standard fans can be made in a casing from 2 to 8 mm thick sheet metal – depending on size of the fan and the type of used material. Different sizes of impeller hub and different blade profiles enable us to meet a wide range of combinations of volumetric flow and pressure in most types of installations. The standard diameter range is from 250mm to 1250mm.

Our fans are used in many industries, among others, in heavy industry, wood industry, ceramic industry, food, agriculture, construction, drying (wood dryers), hall ventilation, industrial equipment, brickyards, coking plants, power plants and the others branches.

If the fan, you are looking for, is not in our standard offer, please contact us to prepare an offer that meets your requireents. We provide an individual approach to each klient and the reasonable prices.

3 wentylatory fantech

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